Generating stunning images with Ai

Generating stunning images with Ai

ChatGPT and other generative ai tools are capable of quickly generating texts and images. As with writing good prompts for text, it is also crucial to provide good description when generating images. We took the test and created an awareness training campaign using ChatGPT 4.0. Also read our previous blog on Reverse Prompting to get…

Reverse Prompt Engineering: how to use it today

Reverse Prompt Engineering: how to use it today

Useful Ai tools have become a part of our lives. They help us in various ways. Think of gathering information, getting inspiration and generating images and texts. But how can you make sure you get consistent results with tools like ChatGPT and Copilot? Because that’s what it’s all about; you want to make sure you…

Give Ai tools wings with good prompts

Give Ai tools wings with good prompts

Writing effective prompts for AI tools such as Bing Chat and ChatGPT is a new skill that requires both creativity and technical understanding. A well-worded prompt can lead the AI to deliver a clear, concise and relevant response. A poorly worded prompt can result in a confusing or incomplete response. Below is a helpful explanation…

The Microsoft Ai Stack

The Microsoft Ai Stack

Microsoft is taking the lead in making Artificial Intelligence (AI) accessible to a wide audience. Helpful AI tools allow you to perform tasks faster and more efficiently without extra effort or stress. You can think of those tools as an extension of your expertise. With its latest developments and investments in ChatGPT, we are on…

The Microsoft Copilots: an overview

The Microsoft Copilots: an overview

Microsoft’s AI train is gaining momentum. And to top it off, Microsoft Ignite 2023 is adding a touch of inspiration. Satya Nadella, CEO of the big tech company, has a clear final destination in mind; create virtual assistants that help you with any task in your life. Philosophical? Maybe. But to be honest, we’re already…