Establishing a Security Operations Center

Cyber threats. They are always and everywhere. That is why it is important to properly protect your organisation. One of the best ways to do this is to set up a Security Operations Center (SOC). A team of experts will then always keep an eye on things for you. But how do you get started? Don’t worry, we are provided to closely monitor your organisation to avoid and eliminate threats.

What does a Security Operations Center (SOC) involve?

A SOC is a central part of your organisation where our cybersecurity experts work to monitor, detect, analyse and respond to cyber incidents on your network, systems and data. This forms the heart of your cyber defence. We do all this remotely, so you can continue working peacefully without worrying about potential threats. Thanks to our continuous monitoring and rapid response, you stay focused on your core business while we ensure top-notch security.

Your benefits from an SOC

  • 24/7 monitoring: continuous surveillance of your systems and networks for maximum security. You can rest assured that there is always someone watching over your digital security, day and night. This way, potential dangers are nipped in the bud.
  • Rapid incident response: cyber attacks are responded to quickly and effectively to avoid or mitigate damage. This means you enjoy high uptime and lower costs.
  • Risk analysis: with a risk analysis, we identify potential vulnerabilities and threats. We then take the right measures so that you are always one step ahead of cybercriminals.
  • Compliance: with a SOC, you comply with cybersecurity regulations and standards such as NIS2 and ISO27001. This not only keeps you properly secured but also in line with legal requirements, which builds trust with your customers and partners.

This is how we proceed

Your SOC will consist of a team of our cybersecurity experts. With knowledge and expertise, they use advanced tools and technologies to detect and combat threats. Here’s how we do it for you:

1. Analysis and planning

We start with a thorough analysis of your current security infrastructure. We look at what you already have in place and where the weaknesses are. Then we determine what resources and measures are needed to prepare your SOC.

2. Implementation

The necessary hardware and software will be installed for you. This way, all your systems work together. This creates a solid foundation you can rely on. You have no further trouble with this implementation.

3. Monitoring and response

Our team of experts continuously monitors your systems, detects threats and responds quickly and appropriately to incidents. This swift action is necessary to prevent major damage.

4. Support and maintenance

You enjoy ongoing support and maintenance. We ensure that your security measures always function optimally and adjust where necessary. We are happy to schedule a monthly meeting with you to discuss the state of affairs. Transparency is of paramount importance to us.

Why opt for us?

Experience and expertise

Our team of professionals has years of experience in setting up and managing SOCs. You will benefit from our extensive knowledge and practical experience.

Tailor-made solutions

We like to listen to your expectations before we get started. We then offer solutions tailored to the specific needs of your organisation. This ensures an approach that fits your needs perfectly.

Ongoing support

We provide ongoing support and guidance. We are also always ready to provide you with Awareness Training or if you have questions around possible phishing incidents. Our support does not stop after implementation; we remain your partner in cybersecurity.

Start securing your organisation today

With a Security Operations Center, you are always one step ahead of cyber threats. Setting one up doesn't have to be complicated. We ensure that your organisation is protected against cyber threats quickly and efficiently. So you always work in a secure digital working environment. Rely on our expertise and experience to secure your business and guarantee your peace of mind.

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