A complete back-up for your Microsoft 365

Your Microsoft 365 environment contains valuable data that you don’t want to lose. Consider emails, contacts, calendars, documents, photos and more. But are you prepared when something goes wrong? What if you accidentally delete a file, a cyber attack damages your data or a hacker takes over your account? Then how do you recover all that valuable data? We provide you with a solution. Our Microsoft 365 backup ensures that all your important data can be restored. Best of all? You don’t have to do anything yourself! After we implement our solution, all your data is safe and can be retrieved at any time.
Microsoft 365 back-up Safe-Connect

Why back up my Microsoft 365?
Doesn't it happen automatically?

The short answer: no. According to Microsoft, backing up your 365 environment remains your responsibility. No automatic backups are taken. Copies are, however, created that allow you to continue working in the event of an incident. But those aren’t backups, because you can’t restore data from, for example, a month ago. With our solution, you can recover your data back up to 25 years. This way you are always secure and compliant with GDPR legislation and security standards for your industry.

Some of the advantages of your Microsoft 365 backup

  • Your data is kept safe for up to 25 years

  • Everything happens automatically, you don't have to do anything

  • Unlimited data retention

In what situations does a full data backup help you?

Data loss

There are times when you accidentally delete or incorrectly overwrite an important file. Without a backup, you have little to no options to restore it.

Cyber attack

A virus or malware has damaged or encrypted your organization's data. In this case, you want to get back to a working environment. Besides, this is also how you avoid paying a cybercriminal ransom.

Legislation and policies

You want to comply with legal or regulatory requirements for data retention. This requires a proper backup. You can read more about that below.

Former employees

Suppose an employee leaves. Then it's handy to have a backup so you can fall back on this without losing that data.

Retaining data according to the law

  • Backups should comply with GDPR legislation. As such, they should be properly maintained. There are also some retention periods associated with them. With our Microsoft 365 backup, you always have peace of mind.
    Some examples of imposed retention periods are:
    Accounting and tax data: 7 years
    Social data, such as payroll management and employment contracts: 5 years
    Data needed to determine taxable income: 5 years
Back-up data

Get your Microsoft 365 backup solution here: