Easily manage and strengthen your passwords

Passwords. We have been using them since the early days of the internet. They serve as a security component of our accounts. Unfortunately, it is difficult to create strong passwords. Let alone remembering them too. And as icing on the cake, you are also supposed to use a unique password for each account. Sighs blown. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem. Namely, a password manager.

The benefits of a password manager

  • Easily manage and generate strong unique passwords for a security boost
  • That dodgy Excel file with all your passwords may finally be binned
  • Securely share passwords with your colleagues
  • Setting up Multifactor Authentication on existing logins for extra security
  • Give your memory a break, as it only needs to remember 1 password

Why a password manager?

Every day, you consult a large amount of data. That includes sensitive information. You would rather not have someone nosing around in these files without access. Therefore, you run a huge risk with a weak password. And especially if you use it for all your accounts. Hackers can thus gain access to all your accounts and data in a short space of time. A password manager offers you a very simple solution to this annoying problem.

How does a password manager work?

You can think of a password manager as a digital safe. You log in with a master password. This password is the only one you then have to remember. Of course, you choose a strong password here. A golden tip is to use a password phrase. This is simply a sentence that is easy for you to remember. Then add a few special characters and numbers and you’re right on track. We also recommend setting up Multifactor Authentication. In your digital vault, you can then add logins, generate strong passwords and securely share passwords. In no time, your security level will rise significantly. Best of all? It is very simple and is made to be used at an organisational level as well.

How do we proceed for you?

We make sure your organisation can switch to secure passwords in no time. This way, your sensitive data is better protected and remembering 1 strong password is the key to success. After a discussion of what the password manager can do, we get to work for you. You can choose to also offer a short training course to your colleagues. During this quick course, they will quickly master this handy tool. Would you like to know more about the solution we offer? Click the button below and feel free to browse through all the features.