Cybersecurity audit for your organisation

Ready to take a razor-sharp look at your entire digital working environment? With this IT audit, you are on the verge of achieving just that. You will find out how to make even better use of and secure your infrastructure. After a thorough analysis and smart reports, we give you concrete advice. It serves as an IT roadmap with recommendations so you accelerate and reduce costs.

What to expect from an audit

  • Crystal-clear overview of your IT environment
  • Concrete advice to accelerate and save costs
  • Receive concise reports to get you started
  • Find out which security components you can deploy to comply with legislation and regulations such as NIS2
  • Get the most out of your digital working environment with a focused IT roadmap

Why a security audit?

Creating a secure IT environment requires you to guard against loss of revenue, reputational damage and compensation claims. An audit gives you assurance about your infrastructure. This is important not only for the continuity and quality of vital business processes, but also because of today’s high demands for transparency, good corporate governance and compliance with laws and regulations. With this IT audit, you defy these complex challenges.

This is how we operate

To ensure that your audit is detailed to perfection, we work with 4 stages.

Stage 1: Kick-off meeting

We start with a kick-off meeting in which we gather the necessary information. For instance, we plan a suitable time for the assessment and involve the right stakeholders. In addition, we also discuss your objectives so that your desired result is achieved.

Stage 2: Audit

With a smart approach, we provide an audit that scrutinises your current IT environment. That goes from your Microsoft environment, on-premise servers and even your internet traffic. This is how we find out what risks are currently present. With that information, our security experts cast a critical eye over the results. In this way, we arrive at the right insights to help you move forward.

Stage 3: Presentation

What's next? After a thorough analysis, we draw up a targeted action plan. That way, as an organisation, you know what the next steps are to strengthen your cybersecurity. With the risks in mind, we also draw up a priority list.

Stage 4: Report

The final result? A personal report reflecting our analyses and findings. We would like to discuss these in detail with you. Then we will also immediately review the action plan together so that you as an organisation can take the first big steps towards cybersecurity.

Ready for a security audit?

Don't hesitate to contact us! Then together we will see how we can get the most out of your IT environment.

Discuss it with our specialists